Category: Coffee Myths and FAQs

  • Coffee Wine: Exploring a Unique Fusion of Flavors

    Coffee Wine: Exploring a Unique Fusion of Flavors

    Imagine a unique beverage that combines the robust flavors of your favorite coffee with the complexity and depth of a fine wine. That’s what you get with coffee wine, an innovative concoction that’s sure to pique your curiosity and delight your taste buds. With coffee-infused wines like Apothic Brew creating a buzz, it’s time for…

  • Can You Make Coffee the Night Before? A Quick Guide

    Can You Make Coffee the Night Before? A Quick Guide

    For many busy individuals, the thought of having their coffee ready to go the moment they wake up is enticing. The question arises: can you make coffee the night before? The quick answer is yes, but with some caveats to ensure that it remains as fresh and flavorful as possible. While making coffee ahead of…

  • Moka Pot Leaking: Quick Fixes and Prevention Tips

    A common issue faced by Moka pot users is the unwelcome sight of leakage during the brewing process. This problem can be frustrating and may leave many wondering about the causes behind it. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why Moka pots leak and explore some potential solutions to this common problem. Leaking…

  • How Much Caffeine in Vietnamese Coffee?

    Are you curious about Vietnamese coffee? Have you heard about its mysterious strength but wonder if it actually lives up to the hype? Luckily for you, the answer lies just ahead. Vietnamese coffee is substantially stronger than “regular” coffee. Its flavor profile is bolder and more bitter, so it is commonly served with sweetened condensed…

  • Is drinking iced coffee every day bad for you?

    Coffee is more than just a beverage made from a humble bean. It’s somewhat of a global phenomenon and is also something that can absolutely be part of a healthy lifestyle. But coffee—iced or hot, ice blended or not, unfortunately also has a dark side that isn’t often discussed. When served cold, your daily coffee…

  • French Press Hard to Push Down? Try These Troubleshooting Tips

    When making your coffee in a French press, pushing the plunger down should be a relatively easy step. But what if there’s resistance and you need to put more effort than usual? There are a few reasons for it, and it can be the French press, the coffee, or even user error that is responsible.…

  • Can You Use Instant Coffee in a Keurig?

    As the world is becoming increasingly busy, people on the go want to whip up something quick and tasty before they rush off to work, school, or wherever they’re headed to. Enter the Keurig coffee maker. This amazing machine was designed with one thing in mind: convenience.  A Keurig is simple to use, easy to…

  • Moka Pot Tamper – Is It Really Needed?

    I’ve been using a Moka pot for years now, and I enjoy its simplicity. I just load my water into the bottom, put my ground coffee in the top and enjoy a tasty morning drink from my kitchen. Every coffee drinker knows that their coffee maker has its own little quirks that are learned through…